23 December 2008

Lucas Cocktail: 3 Parts Sugarplums and 2 Parts Lithium.

Seems like George Lucas has more than sugarplums dancing in his head. Or maybe he invested too much with Madoff. Yes, Star Wars: A Musical Journey will soon be here. Replace the Rockettes with Ewoks and Wookies and we get a Galaxy-wide Spectacular. Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick as Yoda and Luke? Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise as Lea and Vader? And who will play Jabba?

14 December 2008

Top Headline News.

Scandal in Illinois? Nope. Big 3 bailout? uh-huh.  Kenny Shopsin? Hello, that was soooo Y2K (there was a documentary done on him ages ago).  Gwyneth Paltrow's new breasts? Close, but not quite.   See below:
Cause, you know, nothing else important happened this week that could possibly be newsworthy. Nada. Zip.

11 December 2008

Where the Wild Things Are.

Brilliant. And rarely do I bestow that upon ANYONE.  I want a dogfish. Seriously. (That guy is pretty hot, too). 

Pretty Things.

Your very own online closet filled with pretty dresses at NYMag - shop away!


God, it's been a long time. Was off and running and now I'm back. Fear not.

Michael Phelps is sort of like George W. Bush (January not too far away)...he just won't go away and is incredibly annoying.  What's up with that? Seriously.  If they would just put him on display from the neck down, a bag over his head, all would be good (hit "mute" to avoid Beckham Syndrome).  Kelly Slater - an ENTIRELY different story. It's a package deal my dear C&E's. Bask in the glory of the surfing god. 

21 October 2008

Spelling Change.

Spelling Change.com

If You Don't Like Something Change It.

Two (2) weeks, people. 14 days. 336 hours. And counting. Election Day - Tuesday, November 4 we have to make a change.  A big one. Stir up the system. Right the wrongs. It's inevitable. And, quite honestly, our future depends on it.  

I KNOW all of you C&E's are registered and ready. But we still need to remind people that one has to show up and vote to make something happen.  And there are two fabulous groups out there making sure everyone is on top of things:
  • Several intensely talented and creative people from Poke and Mother (and elsewhere) teamed up to create SpellingChange.com to spread awareness of and support Obama's campaign. So if you can remember your ABC's, create a word. A letter.  Just say SOMETHING. 
  • Our friends on the West Coast are also up to some neat tricks. "People in the Middle for Obama" wants to talk to you.  You - "non-partisan, non-ideological, common-sense middle ground." Independents, Republicans, Democrats. People who represent all groups - who have decided to vote for Obama. Want to share your story? Send photo and the below info to MiddleforObama@gmail.com: Name, Age, Sex, Occupation, State of Residence, Marital Status, Children, Political Affiliation, and your story - Who are you? What are the issues you care about the most? Why have you decided to vote for Obama?
Get out there people. Time is short - make sure you are heard!

19 October 2008

Of Mythical Proportions.

Photos from Gryphon-NY.com
Desperate to find that elusive classic but fabulously fashionable coat to chase away gloomy days? Convinced it's just a bunch of fiction that raises your hopes again and again only to dash them to the ground? Look no further...Amiee Cho, a former Vogue fashion writer, heard our pleas and gave us Gryphon. Classic outerwear with contemporary twists - fur trim (fake or recycled), shimmering fabrics, shrunken silhouettes - make dreary days sparkle and chases away those Burberry Blahs. Check out entire collection at Gryphon-NY.com or purchase at RevolveClothing, IntermixOnline or Shopbop.

15 October 2008

13 October 2008

Get Your Groove On.

Guster. Happier. Always Good. Listen.

06 October 2008

Word Up.

Created by dynamic duo Daniel and Michelle Lehmann and tucked away in Soho is a fabulous little store called Clio, brimming with unique tabletop objects.  Never again will you duplicate yet another set of highball glasses from someone's registry.  Rebel! Ignore the list. (It's really all about you anyway).  
Most obsessed with the Words tabletop collection, incredibly partial to the "Coffee" mug as it has the perfect shape and heft to make that morning java oh that much more incredible.  Clio, 92 Thomson St (btw Prince & Spring), 212.966.8991; info@clio-home.com

03 October 2008

Been Caught Stealing.

Someone else's clothes.  It's a rare moment when Cheap & Evil Girl wears clothes other than hers. But in a perfectly folded pile on the shelf in the closet are about 4 pairs of sweatpants that do not belong to me (sweatpants are great for relaxing in after conquering the world).  Not the Juicy "track suits" we have come to know and love. No. We are talking the grey, drawstring, no pockets, loose, washed and worn, elastic at the ankle, maybe a team name or university in now peeling letters and - oh - did I mention they belong to an ex-boyfriend and are 3-4 sizes too big? (Actually, several ex-boyfriends). Yeah THOSE sweats. Almost impossible to find lately, unless you stealthily abscond with a well-used pair from your current bed-buddy. Until now. 

J. Crew has brought back the classic graphic fleece sweatpant and was considerate enough to realize that women everywhere would probably do alot of "borrowing" with no intention of ever returning, so some extra inventory in smaller sizes is available. Choose between Graphic Fleece No. 12 in graphite (that would be old-school heathered grey) or Graphic Fleece No. 7 in faded black. For a sweet $59.50. 

Spell It Out.

Oh my minions, I have been so remiss; this financial debacle has been keeping me busy - it took YEARS to orchestrate and it's finally coming to fruition. Something to keep you occupied as I take over the money markets:

Alphabet Bags.

We love them. We want them.

A sturdy yet fabulous cotton canvas tote, measures 16.5"x14", priced at a reasonable £10 (that's approximately $17.70 for those of us in the US, €12.78 for our EU C&E's) and international shipping available - to ANYWHERE.

Perfect for carrying away large piles of cash!

21 September 2008

Way Ahead of the Curve.

So the NYT's finally got around to talking about fab new cocktail lounge, Apotheke. Only 3 weeks after yours truly gave it a go.  I'm so cool it makes my little head spin.  In case you missed it, definitely time for a go-see: Apotheke, 9 Doyer Street (btw Bowery & Pell); 212 406 0400

19 September 2008

All That Glitters Is Gold (Silver, Magenta, Green...).

The new iPod nano. Buy one to match your cashmere. Better yet, buy several. Pretty AND smart (take note, guys). 

She Comes In Colors.

As temps start to drop, you need to seriously think about what warm, soft, fuzzy material is going next to your oh-so-delicate skin. Enter J.Crew Cashmere. More colors than the rainbow, more styles than Rachel Zoe will ever provide. Especially cool - the long-sleeve crewneck tee ($145) and the short-sleeve tee ($118)

18 September 2008

Catch A Piece of...

...Maine. Yeah yeah, not like, own a piece of land. More like have your own personal - and handsome - lobsterman catch you a few yummy sea creatures and ship them off to you.  Catch A Piece of Maine, started by brothers John and Brendan Ready (mmm, just how ready, I wonder) offers two levels of partnerships:
  • Catch a Piece of Maine Partnership - essentially, you own the trap and everything that ends up in it. Someone else does the work and ships all the good stuff, plus extras, to you. A full year partnership will cost $2,995 and get you at least 13 tasty lobster bakes delivered anywhere you choose.  Meaning, 13 times a year you'll receive via next day shipping four 1 1/2 pounder lobsters, 1lb Maine Steamers, 1lb Maine mussels, 4 servings of a homemade dessert from local purveyors (so think blueberry pie....), lobster bibs, utensils - the works kids. Plus a photograph and bio of your lobsterman and a map of where your tasty little critters were caught. Do the math, it's actually a great deal.
  •  Share a Piece of Maine - think "Hamptons Share" without the hassle.  For $249 you get a "share" of the catch from one one of the lobstermen. And like above, all of the goodies for a fabulous lobster bake. A one time only thing, but still amazing value. 
Eat up kids. 

12 September 2008

Because I Am Smarter Than Everyone Else.

Unnecessary knowledge? Is there such a thing? What if you are ready to answer that $10 million question and completely screw up because you didn't know that every year, approximately 2,500 left-handed people are killed by using objects or machinery designed for right-handed people? 

Better start looking for those "special" scissors kids.  

Check out Unnecessary Knowledge so you can once again demonstrate that you are much smarter than the average bear. 

I Want.

Sea Bags. Made of recycled sails that have traveled around the world, Hannah Kubiack and Beth Shissler have created a bag that is super-roomy (3 sizes to choose from) and vritually indestructible (always handy for C&E activities). Perfect for the gym, as a weekender, a trip to the Farmer's Market or to stash your gear as you take over the world. Small bags start at $95 and since they last forever, CPW couldn't be better.

11 September 2008

It's All About the Pig.

Relax. Babe is too small to eat. 
However, a 200 pound roaster will be on the menu for Il Buco's annual "Sagra del Maile" is on schedule for September 22, 1pm.  Lots of tasty pig to sample for only $20 a pig.  Time to pork up.  Il Buco, 47 Bond Street, near Lafayette; 212 533 1932.

05 September 2008


Jessica Simpson, the Jonas Brothers, Jordin Sparks, Jesse McCartney. Maybe if you get lucky you will hear them in the same exact order three hours later. And three hours after that. We love radio syndication. We think Clearwater does a FABULOUS job with programming and really celebrates new and innovative artists. Not. Revolt. Rebel. Overthrow the current rulers. Support independent radio stations everywhere. Free Your Radio!

03 September 2008


The email blunder at Carat is the type of event that C&E's everywhere simply LIVE for.  Apparently "Chief People Officer" Rose Zory was a little too trigger happy with that send button. IT "pulled back the message"  - but not before the documents were downloaded and promptly sent to every industry wire, blogger, friend, relative and first-born child. A standing ovation to Rose and senior management at Carat for providing us with what will be years of entertainment. 

New Toys.

Obsessed. Absolutely obsessed with Toy Watch. So pretty, so many colors. Blatantly, in-your-face faux. Self described as an "anti-luxury statement in a luxury obsessed culture".  
Must. Have. In. Multiples.

02 September 2008

I Like to Spend Money On Myself.

"To give is divine"? That's just silly talk.

YOU deserve a treat today. Everyday, actually. But sometimes our busy social schedules just don't let us get to where we want to go and sometimes, the usual suspects just don't have that thrill we are looking for.

What to do, what to do?

My current faves for a quick fix, thrill of the chase, fabu deal:
  • Gilt - sales usually start 12PM EST and inventory sells fast. Invite only, ask and ye shall receive.
  • Ideeli.com - one or two key items every few days. Definitely hit or miss.
  • TopButton - at some point, you will find what you are looking for. Incredibly comprehensive list of sample/warehouse sales.
Spend people, spend.

Mmmmm. My Type of Man.

"The Old Horned Deity" is the type of guy that every C&E wants to be with. Artist Dennis McNett will have a solo exhibition beginning 9/19 at The Stanton Chapter that places our favorite trouble-maker front and center:

"Harsh, fluid collaged wood-cut print landscapes of gnarly trees, vibrant skies, birds of prey, hidden critters and overgrown foliage will cover three walls of the gallery from floor to ceiling. Complementing this landscape will be larger than life print covered sculptures of a leopard, a wolf, trees and an eagle swooping down from the gallery ceiling.

Pan was known to arouse suspicion or panic depending on his intentions. He was the god of woods and pastures, the mountain peaks and rocky crests. The show is an interpretation of the inspiration of nature aroused by Pan."
Opening reception starts at 7PM on Friday, 9/19 at The Stanton Chapter, 176 Stanton Street (btw Clinton and Attorney) and runs through October 15. For more information, contact Steve Rodriguez, steve@5boro.com, 917.568.7717.

01 September 2008

Things You Need to Know

I am officially extending Labor Day. Therefore, faithful C&E's, no laboring needed.  But we still have a big week ahead of us.  Get moving. 
  • Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Spring 2009. Clear your calendars, ignore Winter, proceed directly to Spring. Eat a hamburger in front of the starving models. Wonder if Anna will smile ($100 says no).  Parties start 9/4, shows start bright and early at 9am, Friday, September 5. 
  • The Pope is sad. And angry.  The Pope does not like Kermit the Frog crucified.  I don't want Kermit crucified either but I just think the Pope has bigger things to worry about. Like, oh, the Sudan? Human rights in China? Katrina 2.0? Just a thought. 
  • On occasion, our formerly beloved Daily Candy redeems itself and shows us something totally fabu. C&E's everywhere should rejoice over these SuperGirl rain boots from Shuella.  They will save your Louboutins and that's all that matters. 
  • We like having a Bed Buddy. Because we like sex. All good C&E's should.  But there is that rare occasion when our current BB needs...direction. Direction beyond "move your hands HERE and do THIS." If your BB of the moment thinks the best moves are found in Hollywood films or bad porn, and leaves you wanting to do laundry (can you imagine??) instead of him - or her, it's time to take action in a not so subtle way. Send them to Fleshmap (NSFW). If they still can't get it right, send them far, far away. (Thrillist)
  • Sometimes, when Venus aligns with Mercury in Gemini's house of love, something good happens in a part of NYC that we often ignore. Like when Good World Bar & Grill opened in no man's land between the LES and Chinatown. Or how late one night we stumbled into Winnie's and found our inner Deborah Harry.  Or when we realized saying "Les Enfants Terribles" in a perfect French accent - bien sur! - was way better than the food they served, but still cool. Sometimes, something even surprises Cheap and Evil Girl. We have high hopes for Apotheke despite the excessive pre-opening PR.  Thrillist shares the drink menu.  Get there before the masses, throw caution to the wind and have fun with the Absinthe, dear C&E's.  Apotheke, 9 Doyers Street (btw Pell and Bowery); 212 406 0400.

31 August 2008

The End of the Human Race.

So much potential. Gone in seconds. The powerful forces of Nike & NYRR tanked. Imploded.  

Ideas for next year, kids:

Start on time. Crazy. But when the majority of racers are waiting at the start because "people are still getting here" 30 minutes late, they tend to get pissed off and DON'T WANT TO SMILE for the TV cameras. They also may want to trip the people who were late.  

Have a clear course that can actually accommodate the number of racers.  It's hard to start a race on time if the (late) incoming racers are still crossing the course between miles 1 & 2.  Oh, and if you have a double loop course, it's not a good idea to ask the main pack to "stop for a few minutes to let the leaders go by." Not unless you plan on stopping the clock or are willing to risk hordes of angry people trample you. 

Organize a race and not a marketing event.  An anonymous source from NYRR shared some interesting thoughts "we had no control over the course or the race... Nike wanted 10,000+ people and they weren't going to start until they were all there.  And they wanted it on Randall's Island - regardless of whether it was the right place." Thanks Nike.  Glad you thought this one through.  And NYRR - understand the need for corporate partnerships but your main responsibility should be the runners. This course was simply unsafe in many places. It kills your credibility.  Bad bad bad.  

The Human Race in NYC deserves to die out.  

28 August 2008

You Are What You Eat.

Hmmm. I've been out and about, focusing on my ongoing endeavor of taking over the world with my cheap and evil ways. Alas, I ignored my minions. So, for fun, although not as exciting as I had hoped, Very Good Taste shared this list of top 100's foods. Seems like I'll eat about anything. And, yes, McDonald's is as horrific as roadkill. See the directions below. Go to it C&E's.

1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.
2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten.
3) Italicize any items that you would never consider eating.
4) Optional extra: Post a comment here at A Very Good Taste linking to your results.

The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred:

1. Venison
2. Nettle tea
3. Huevos rancheros
4. Steak tartare
5. Crocodile
6. Black pudding
7. Cheese fondue
8. Carp
9. Borscht
10. Baba ghanoush
11. Calamari
12. Pho
13. PB&J sandwich
14. Aloo Gobi
15. Hot dog from a street cart
16. Epoisses
17. Black truffle
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
19. Steamed pork buns
20. Pistachio ice cream
21. Heirloom tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries
23. Foie gras
24. Rice and beans
25. Brawn, or head cheese
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche
28. Oysters
29. Bakalava
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl
33. Salted lassi
34. Sauerkraut
35. Root beer float
36. Cognac with a fat cigar
37. Clotted cream tea
38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O
39. Gumbo
40. Oxtail
41. Curried goat
42. Whole insects
43. Phaal
44. Goat’s milk
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Fugu
47. Chicken tikka masala
48. Eel
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut
50. Sea urchin
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abelone
54. Paneer
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal
56. Spaetzle
57. Dirty gin martini
58. Beer above 8% ABV
59. Poutine
60. Carob chips
61. S'mores
62. Sweetbreads
63. Kaolin (clay, in case anyone is wondering)
64. Currywurst
65. Durian
66. Frogs’ legs
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake
68. Haggis
69. Fried plantain
70. Chitterlings, or andouillette
71. Gazpacho
72. Caviar and blini
73. Louche absinthe
74. Gjetost, or brunost
75. Roadkill
76. Baijiu
77. Hostess Fruit Pie
78. Snail
79. Lapsang souchong
80. Bellini
81. Tom yum
82. Eggs Benedict
83. Pocky
84. Tasting menu at a three- Michelin-star restaurant.
85. Kobe beef
86. Hare
87. Goulash
88. Flowers
89. Horse
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Spam
92. Soft shell crab
93. Rose harissa
94. Catfish
95. Mole poblano
96. Bagel and lox
97. Lobster Thermidor
98. Polenta
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
100. Snake

19 August 2008

Job Porn - Food Food Food

If you go ga-ga over Mario Batelli, Emeril or Sara Lee then just stop.  Actually, you should just read another blog.

BUT if you betray the one you love the most to be in the same room as Mark Bittman, Alice Waters, Jeffery Steingarten and Ferran Adria mark bittman, Jeffery Steingarten, or Ferran Adria, then condense your fabulous food obsession into one paragraph and let Jessica Coen know why you are the only one who could possibly write for NYMag.com's Grub Street.

Oh, and let's not forget Julia. She was a spy too - how cool is that? A true C&E.

15 August 2008

Because I Care.

Ah, not really. This is for purely selfish reasons. You can look, but don't touch. 

Cheap & Evil Conquers "The Warehouse"

Cheap and Evil fashionistas are ready to do battle in scorching temps for the best of couture at Barney's Warehouse Sale in NYC 14 August - 1 September. The available goods will make any girl rationalize yet another Carolina Herrera gown - it's a given your next black tie will be with the same crowd and repeats are no-no for any self-respecting C&E.  And, it's the perfect time to practice your best C&E behavior: "Excuse me, that jacket is a size 2 and you can't get your arm in it.  May I have it please?"  "You are just swimming in that Marc Jacobs trench.  Why don't you go snack on your daily carrot stick while I hold on to it for you."

Fight for the goods, ladies, take no hostages. Endure.